Call for Board Member Nominations
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: July 1st, 2020 at 5pm
WID-GBC IS SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS BEGINNING October 1, 2020 and running for a 2-year term. All active WID-GBC members who meet the criteria are eligible for nomination to any open positions. The membership chair nominations will be reviewed and selected by the President, whereas the secretary and STEM Vice President positions will be taken to a vote by membership.
Secretary: (2-year term) - The secretary’s duties are a critical role in fostering communication and diligence through proper management and utilization of important records such as meeting minutes and the organization’s bylaws. The secretary position has wide-ranging responsibilities. He/she is an active conduit for communication by giving proper notice of any meetings and timely distribution of materials. Additionally, the secretary should be knowledgeable of the organization’s records and related materials, providing advice and resources. Duties may additionally change from time to time as may be assigned to him or her by the Board.
STEM Vice President: (2-year term) - The STEM Vice President is to report to the President and be a member of the Executive Committee. The STEM Vice President is to act as a “back-up” to the President as needed. Will focus on academia engagement through networking with colleges and universities to have events and program plans. Leads fundraising coordination of STEM initiatives (collaborating with scholarship and sponsorship committees).
Membership Committee Chair: (2-year term) - The Membership Committee Chair plans/leads membership phone & digital engagement initiatives. Managed membership list and CRM system. CRM. Works closely with President and Officers in support of membership plan development. Coordinates with WID National on membership initiatives.
o Must be an active WIDGBC member at time of nomination.
o Previous service on a WIDGBC or similar committee, council, or task force or equivalent, desired
o Officers and Committee Chairs must declare any volunteer roles with other associations and societies
All active WIDGBC members are eligible for nomination for any open positions, including the ladder to Presidency. All letters of nomination should be addressed to: WIDGBC Vice President Karen Krause-Bencal (
The ideal nomination will:
Include a letter stating the full name of the candidate, the position for which they are being nominated and address the following topics as appropriate:
o Respectintheprofession
o Effectiveleadershipo Reputationforstrategicthinking
o AbilitytopromoteWID-GBCorganizationalgoalsandbroadlyrepresenttheWIDGBCmembership o Anyotherpertinentinformation. -
Include a current resume
For other than self-nomination: State how the author knows the applicant and why the applicant is a strong
candidate for the position.
If you have any questions about the positions, process or WIDGBC, please contact WIDGBC Vice President Karen
Krause-Bencal at 617-520-4172 or